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Serenity Counseling Services PLLC
Sep 30, 20132 min read
Question 15: My cancer treatment has been really tough on my husband and kids... Am I selfish jerk to take a break from them when they've already been through so much?
"My cancer treatment has been really tough on my husband and kids. I'm trying as hard as I can to keep our home running as normally as...
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Sep 28, 20132 min read
Question 14: My teenage son is great with his dad (my ex-husband) who is going through chemo and radiation, but to me he is belligerent, disrespectful and uncooperative. Why is he acting like this?
"My teenage son is great with his dad -- my ex-husband -- who is going through chemo and radiation, but to me he is belligerent,...
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Sep 27, 20133 min read
Question 13: My wife and I have been pretty unhappy for most of our 15-year marriage but stayed together because of the kids. Now I have cancer... Is it crazy to think I should try to find love?
"My wife and I have been pretty unhappy for most of our 15-year marriage but stayed together because of the kids. Now I have cancer, and...
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Sep 25, 20132 min read
Question 12: My husband has been totally AWOL since my cancer diagnosis, working late, leaving early, eating dinner in front of the TV and barely speaking to me. WTF?
It can be very stressful and hurtful to become disconnected with your partner after such a major medical diagnosis. You are not alone in...
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Sep 24, 20132 min read
Question 11:Â My sister went through cancer treatment three years ago, and she keeps on talking about it. I get it...but why can't she just forget about it and move on?
"My sister went through cancer treatment three years ago, and she keeps on talking about it. I get that it was a life-changing event, but...
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Sep 22, 20132 min read
Question 10: Every time someone comes up to me and says, "How ARE you?" or tells me what an inspiration I am, I just want to punch them in the face... What am I supposed to do with all this anger?
"Every time someone comes up to me and says, "How ARE you?" or tells me what an inspiration I am, I just want to punch them in the face....
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Sep 20, 20132 min read
Question 9: Ever since chemo, I've been struggling with my memory and concentration...I've heard about "chemo brain," but my friends tell me it's just stress. What can I do to get my brain back?
"Ever since chemo, I've been struggling with my memory and concentration. It's hard to read a book. I get lost on my way to the grocery...
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Sep 18, 20132 min read
Question 8: I'm 25 years old, I've had cancer and I'm trying to date. What's the best way to bring it up without making people uncomfortable?Â
"I'm 25 years old and just finished 18 months of chemo and radiation. My hair is super short, but I'm not bald. My energy is starting to...
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Sep 16, 20132 min read
Question 7: I've been in remission for several years. I used to feel a lot of panic and dread as the 6-month checkups approached. Now I feel terrified about going so long between scans. What's wrong?
"I've been in remission for several years, and I go once-a-year for scans and follow-up with the oncologist. I used to feel a lot of...
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Sep 14, 20132 min read
Question 6: After a year of remission, my cancer is back. I want to investigate alternative and naturopathic treatments instead of more chemo and radiation... How do I get them on my side?
"After a year of remission, my cancer is back. I want to investigate alternative and naturopathic treatments instead of more chemo and...
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Sep 12, 20132 min read
Question 5: Everyone was amazed by my positive attitude during chemo... I feel depressed and more alone than I've ever felt in my life. Why can't I just get back to normal?
" Everyone was amazed by my positive attitude during chemo. I worked hard to stay upbeat, and I thought everything would be fine once my...
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Sep 10, 20132 min read
Question 4: Since my husband's cancer diagnosis we've been having sex at least once and sometimes two or three times a day. Is there something horribly wrong with us?
First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with the two of you. It is natural for your sex life and patterns of intimacy to change,...
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Sep 8, 20132 min read
Question 3: After my cancer diagnosis, many of my friends disappeared. I happen to bump into someone and they're obviously uncomfortable. WTF?
Many people have experienced loved ones pull away during or after treatment. This is typically because they care about you and do not...
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Sep 6, 20132 min read
Question 2: At what point am I obligated to share info about my cancer diagnosis with my extended family?
When it comes to sharing your diagnosis with extended family and others in your social circle, the timing is up to you. Depending on the...
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Sep 3, 20132 min read
Question 1: At what age is a child old enough to be told that mommy or daddy has cancer?
Cancer can be a scary word, even for adults, but communication in relationships is necessary at any age. Children generally know when...
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Sep 1, 20131 min read
Ask Ashley - FAQs from families dealing with blood cancer
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. I've been asked several questions that are commonly asked when a family is dealing with a...
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